I got an email from one of my favorite readers, Mary McG letting me know about this years call for artists in the Greenpoint 100. A annual must ‘do’ in the hood, this years art show & auction is set for May 1st.



I hope you’re doing well! In the past, aside from the work you do on your fantastic blog, you’ve done me some solids – you once publicized my husband’s band’s show, and you even gave me a free week’s pass to the Greenpoint Y last year when I was curious about joining (I finally did, by the way.) YOU ROCK.

Now I’m hoping you can help me help the Greenpoint Library by letting Greenpoint-area artists know about the Greenpoint 100 art show and auction on May 1st. Here’s the official schpiel as approved by BPL:

The Greenpoint 100: An Art Show to Benefit the Greenpoint Library

Saturday, May 1, 2010
11 AM-2:30 PM


The Friends of the Greenpoint Library call for works to be donated by artists living or working in Greenpoint. The works will be sold to benefit the Greenpoint Branch of Brooklyn Public Library. All work will be sold by silent auction. We are accepting works in all mediums (maximum size 11X14 inches). The show will be juried by local gallery owners and cash prizes will be awarded.

To participate please email your contact information and JPEG to: [email protected]

All work needs to be received by Friday, April 30th to be included in the exhibit.

(Brooklyn Public Library’s Friends Groups are volunteer, library advocacy groups that promote your neighborhood libraries from books to programs to free computer access. Friends Groups raise community awareness and enthusiasm for neighborhood libraries, keep elected officials alert and accountable for the library’s needs, as well as raise funds to enhance BPL’s services and resources.)

Thanks for any help you can provide in publicizing our event on Greenpointers! I hope you will join us for the show as well!

Let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Mary McGregor

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