Snowman on the Waterfront

Hey all. So I guess I can consider this my first post here on Greenpointers besides my introduction I posted a few weeks ago. So what to post, what to post. Hey, did anyone hear something about a snowstorm today? I was hearing chirpings of this and decided to take the camera out and investigate.

Sure enough, I opened the door and noticed I would have to dig my way out. After an hours time and a shovel, I managed to dig a tunnel just big enough to get me and my dog Brooklyn out. I walked around a bit to enjoy the wintery wonderland Greenpoint was for the day. I could go on and on but the point of my post is to share some of the images of the day. I struggled to shoot as the snow beat down on my camera so please excuse me if they are not up to par. Keep in mind, I am still learning and you know what they say. Practice makes perfect.

Just a quick note, I applaud the many property owners who came out and actually shoveled their sidewalk making walking both easier and safer for all of us. Great job Greenpoint.

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