Greenpointers got a fan all the way on the other side of the world! An Australian couple who visit and plan to eventually move here are looking for an apartment sublet in the neighborhood again this Spring. If you’re up for lending your crib out for a few weeks and some cash in your pocket, this may work out for you!


So this is probably a super odd email.

My wife are Australian. We came to NYC for our honeymoon last May and stayed in Greenpoint (on Manhattan Ave just past Freeman St). We really loved the area and Brooklyn in general. I came to follow your blog in my stalking of Brooklyn and your review of Papacitos brunch. Those fish tacos were amazing.

Anyway, we love NYC and Brooklyn so much we hope to eventually move there when I finish my PhD. However, in the meantime we can’t stay away and have booked another trip in April. We’d like to stay in the greenpoint area again. Not only is it great, but we have some friends who live in the area (on Calyer) and want to say near them again.

However, the craigslist is not being fruitful at the moment – sure it’s a way off, but it still isn’t looking nearly as good as last time. Therefore, I thought I’d start thinking outside the square and be active in looking for a place rather than passively waiting for one to appear.

You guys seem to know greenpoint as well as anyone and might be able to tap into the community more easily.

Feel free to leave a comment with any leads or you can contact Tristan directly at [email protected] and tell him Greenpointers sent you!

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  1. Hi there,

    Just to follow up on the same note – we are a couple moving over from London looking for a beautiful Greenpoint sublet for two weeks at the beginning of February before our flat is ready.

    so if there are any other leads please email [email protected].

    love the blog by the way, see you in a month


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