Ah, I got an email from a reader this morning asking “What happened to the Blog Buzz feature?”. Well, Twitter happened.

Blog Buzz features took FOREVER for me to put together, gathering links and stuff from allover the blogosphere relating to Greenpoint. But then Twitter came along and it made it simple to just shoot off a quick link to the internet masses. So if you haven’t joined Twitter or haven’t started following Greenpointers on Twitter, get with the program.

The Twitter account automatically feeds the latest blog posts from here but I also retweet interesting links and info from other locals, share things I come across and shoot the shit about reality tv with my Twitter bff effedinparkslope of the blog Fucked in Park Slope – holla!

RIP in Blog Buzz.

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  1. Yeah, I liked doing them but they just take so long to compile and I work full time. I might resurrect them in the future or do one once in awhile if I can.

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