A couple of weeks ago, Justine asked me if I would like to be a contributor to this blog. Of course, I said “yes!” right away. Unfortunately, in all that time, I haven’t come up with anything interesting, or at least new, to say about our swell ‘hood.

So, my first post will be a bit of shameless self-promotion for an Unemployed Brooklyn activity. This Thursday marks the one year anniversary of my lay-off and I will be celebrating (for lack of a better term) at t.b.d Bar on Franklin Street at 4PM.

If you are un or underemployed in Brooklyn, please come on out and have a drink with some of your fellow unemployeds. You can find more info here or e-mail me at unemployedbrooklyn (@) gmail.com to RSVP.

Photo from the Google/Life archives

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  1. So glad you finally posted!

    And I'm almost sad that I have to work. I'd much rather be at the bar at 4pm. Or anytime actually.

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