Summer 09 has been one of the best in a few years, and to finish it off I can’t wait to get out of town for an extra long weekend. I’m leaving Thursday and not coming back until Tuesday for a visit with the besties in Albany. I’ll get back to more regular posting after the holiday weekend but since today has been dedicated to cleaning the old inbox, here are some things that have been rattling around.

Greenpointers own Joann is putting together the Greenpoint Food Market on September 12th. And while I sure as Hell don’t do homemade, I certainly enjoy it. If you’re interested in being a vendor you can get in touch with JoJo via the Greenpoint Food Market blog or if you’re just interested in enjoying the fruits of anothers labor like myself we’ll see each other on 9/12. – Greenpoint Food Market

City Room reports on the sluggish sales for the local merchants of Greenpoint including appliance store Zayas that hasn’t seen any AC sales this Summer due to the two months of rain… and energy conscience hipsters. – City Room

Polish “Greenpoint Crew” mobster Pawel Guzal aka Jaromir Havranek has been captured. Sounds like a Law & Order episode waiting to happen! –

A new website for microfiction (500 words or less) based out of Greenpoint recently launched and is perfect for getting a good story in a little bit of time. A great work day filler! “Staccato was conceived in 2005 in Athens, Georgia, as a semiannual print magazine but now calls Brooklyn home and will offer a new short story online every weekday morning. Read about pet boa constrictors, lecherous Greek metaphysics professors, church bells run amok, car accidents, escaped unicorns, romance in the canned food aisle, and prom night, 1987, at the drive-in, all 500 words or less, all wonderfully efficient, all carefully stripped down to just the bare necessities. Short. Sweet.” – Staccato

Metro does a piece on Dupont & Commercial with a locals reunion to play ball like they did back in the day. – Metro NY

A Sunday Story on the Williamsburg Greenpoint News + Arts site goes through the tale of a stolen Vespa by Laurel Casey. As aggravated as it made me, I read the whole thing and isn’t that what good writing is all about? But damn, that dude is an idiot. – WGN+A

The Great Pumpkin blog is putting together a North Brooklyn Pinball Directory. No, really. Pinball is so much of better game than that stupid idiotic Buck Hunter game. Or even worse, the fucking golf game with the roller ball. So far he’s rocked the Funhouse at Enid’s and Family Guy at Mug’s. He’s just started so I’m sure if anyone’s got any suggestions he’d welcome them. – The Great Pumpkin

The Tomcats hate Williamsburg and the independently wealthy. Don’t we all, don’t we all, man. – Handy Instrumental

Ok, that’s it for me. I’ve got packing to do tonight and then I’m off for the long weekend tomorrow through Wednesday. I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend and I’ll ‘see’ you all next week!

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  1. Thanks for the mention! I just want to let everyone know that I'm in the middle of a domain switch, and hope to have all the kinks worked out soon. The web address for the Pinball Directory will be changing, but I'll post an updated link here.


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