Those baby pigeons are driving me crazy.

Every morning at about 6:15am I am subjected to whoever lives upstairs from me pouring water out the window. This has been going on since I moved in and sometimes, I scream like a raving lunatic STOP POURING WATER OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW!!!!! And it will stop for a few days or weeks depending on the fear I instill. But it always starts again and it always makes me want to go on a killing spree.

I’ve started thinking that they pour that water to maybe water plants or clean their window sill from the copious amounts of pigeon shit that I know I have on mine.

And then there are the fucking baby pigeons and their parents. Squealing for food at 6:30am and again at dinnertime. I assume they also have lunch too but thankfully I am at work and don’t have to hear the winged rats chirp incessantly for whatever surely disgusting meal they are begging for.

And then there’s the adult pigeons who are flapping their wings and making deep gruntal coo-ing sounds that sound more like orgasmic moaning. I’m guessing they’re hoping to expand their family.

I hate these fucking birds.

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  1. 3 words – white noise machine. My downstairs neighbors are djs and my upstairs neighbors are inconsiderate elephants. This machine changed my life!

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