There’s another crawl coming to town!

The Great Greenpoint Mac-Off was such a rousing success that the local watering holes are up to it again this Saturday with The Great Greenpoint BBQrawl.

This time around there will be a different Brooklyn Brewery beer at each stop and free food.

New specialty beer shop Brouwerij Lane will be participating with offerings of brownies and Brooklyn Brown Ale. Black Rabbit will feature hot dogs and Brooklyn Pennant while Van Gogh’s Radio chooses to participate in the crawl by offering vegetarian and meat bratwurst and a Brooklyn Pilsner special. Trays of chicken wings and pints of Brooklyn Pale Ale will be ready for crawlers at the Mark Bar while t.b.d. Brooklyn will be grilling up veggie and beef burgers in the first run of their 5,000 sq ft beer garden and pouring Brooklyn Summer Ale.

If you’re stuck in the city this weekend, may as well stay close to home and take advantage of the local flava!

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  1. I’m going to be at T.B.D. manning a bake sale to benefit the india street mural project. you ladies should come thru and say hi so I can put a face to those words!


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