Yay, another submission of Pic-Me from Amanda!

Name – Guillaume
Pic taken – Hoyt Schermerhorn G train
Occupation – Web Developer
Where where you born? – Longjumeau, France
How long have you been in GP? 2 months
Favorite restaurant/store/bar – Matchless
Worst thing about GP – Not enough places to out at night, you have to go to Williamsburg
Best thing about GP – “Village atmosphere”
Funniest/oddest moment of the day – Apartment next door caught on fire but only for a few minutes

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  1. ugh… i’m not sure what makes me more nauseous: Greenpoint getting points for its “village atmosphere” or the complaint that there’s “not enough places to out at night” I’m sure Guillaume is a nice enough chap, but please… pic-better.

  2. and he’s from france. come on, don’t be a pretentious chap! welcome the new (and old) neighborhood folks!

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