I got an email last week from Ran of the website Why Leave Astoria?! – which, btw, is a fantastic site covering our Queens neighbors. I know I hangout in Astoria often with friends and that a good amount of local Greenpointers who get priced out of the nabe head to Astoria before moving to North Carolina (I swear, there is like a huge Little Greenpoint in NC, there has to be at least a dozen or more people I know who moved down there!). Anyway, the point of Ran’s email was to see if I was interested in being involved with trying to get the word out about a Battle of the Bands. I was like, um, Hells Yeah!

While it’s proabably too late to be involved as a band – my fault entirely, I took too long to get back to him, I’m an asshole! But if you act really, really fast you might be able to get in as a last minute entrant. It was aimed at first to be a Brooklyn vs Queens battle but because the entries from BK were so few, it was opened up to all boroughs.

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it if there was a Greenpoint band interested in participating so I could root for you guys and definitely feature you on Greenpointers.

Here are the details:

The event is on 5/16 2p-9p at the Astoria Beer Garden. Each band will have a two song set and compete in a single-elimination bracket-style tournament. The winning band at the end of the event will get an hour set from 8-9p in front of a capacity Beer Garden as well as a featured article by a major NYC publication. The gig is unpaid, but there will be a talent lounge with free food and drink for the bands. We’re specifically looking for rock and roll bands.

This is for the rockers out there – keep your harps and xylophones to yourself, guitars & drums in the house!

Ran just sent over a survey on the finalists that includes links where you can hear their music so if you’re not a rocker yourself, you can at least rock the vote!

If you’re interested in being a last minute Brooklyn band please contact Ran at info [at] whyleaveastoria [dot] com RIGHT NOW. Don’t dilly dally!

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