Beer at Brouwerij Lane, originally uploaded by lazysundae.

So this past weekend I had not one but two Greenpoint events to attend and I didn’t get to go to either because of long lines out the door at both! On Saturday I tried to hit Brouwerij Lane’s offical grand opening but at 2pm there were about a dozen people on line so I instead my pops and I hit up The Habitat on Daddy-Daughter Saturday.

The on Sunday when my sister GG and I went to check out at least a couple of the bars offering up the Mac-Off pub crawl, we arrived at The Habitat at 5pm to find a line out the door. But I’m thrilled to hear that The Habitat WON! Damn skippy, yo.

Sigh. So what did I do? I went by Brouwerij Lane and met Erik Olsen who suggested a couple of beers for me (both of which I liked).

While I’m delighted the neighborhood establishments were packed out this weekend, I’m so not one for crowds. But visiting the places the day after or the day before a big gig work awesomely.

Update 3/25/09

I got this email from Lisa Roman of t.b.d. this morning:

Hi There,

I’m Lisa – I am the PR for t.b.d., and got the opportunity to see your postings about the past weekend’s events. Would be happy to tell you the details.

The Mac Off is Diane’s brainchild – a tongue in cheek way for Greenpoint’s bars to get together and show themselves as a united front, and to have fun in the process. In light of the problems of late with the night scene in the hood, we were hoping that the end result would be a boost in morale. We were delighted with the turn-out, and do indeed plan on making this an annual event!

To clear up any ambiguity, the judging occurred at t.b.d with both a popular vote AND our “celebrity” judges. Our esteemed judges awarded The Habitat as their favourite, while the popular vote went to t.b.d. whose mac & cheese is provided by Cody Utzman, formerly of Brooklyn Label, currently of Papacitos, and opening the future Brooklyn Standard.

Thanks so much for the mention. Please let us know if you would like us to contact you about our future events.

All the very best,
Lisa Roman

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