It’s been a long ass time since I did a Blog Buzz but that’s mostly because they take for fucking ever to do. But the nice weather we’ve been having these last couple of days has given me a bit of a boost.

First off, a Lambourghini in Greenpoint. Yeah, really. – maximumlove

Teresa Toro is back as chair of the CB1’s transportation committee. There was a whole hullabaloo a bit back when she was ousted by CB1 Chairman Vincent Abate for speaking up about a mistake on the Brooklyn Eagle’s website. I don’t always agree with Teresa’s views but I know she always has Greenpoint in mind and that makes her tops on my list. Glad to see she’s back! – Brooklyn Paper

Lost City checked in with B’s (or the Sunview Luncheonette as the newbies call it). It’s exactly as it was when it closed last year. Rumor around the neighborhood was that she was going to lease it out to some haughty-taughty chef for a ridiculous low price because she didn’t know any better but I’m glad to see that appears to not have either been true or happened. You also should take a peek at their cute Met foods sign pic and his post of Paris Shoes with a great comment for local Laura Hofmann. – Lost City

My Shecky’s email today was all about the Hottest Bartenders of 2009, so ya know I had to open that. I was half expecting to see my homegirl Tracy of Duff’s in there cause she’s definitely the hottest bartender in the ‘hood around these parts. But instead I spied Shecky’s ‘reviews’ of two new places on Franklin. River Barrel and Shayz Lounge. River Barrel hasn’t been exactly hitting the mark with Yelpers. A weak three stars (seems more like it would average two stars but has a couple of ‘fake’ positives). Shecky’s doesn’t give it much more. And I really love the way Shecky’s calls Brooklyn Label, Greenpoint Label in the review. Priceless. – Shecky’s

City Girl shops at Kill Devil Hill and finds her thrill. I pass by this place almost every night and I love what they do with their window displays. – CityGirl Shops

The Brooklyn Record Riot is going on again at Warsaw this Sunday from 12-8pm. – Iris Records

I LEGO N.Y. is adorable! – via wellsung

To see the New York of twenty years ago you have to go to… Greenpoint. Well according to Philip Glass, anyway. – Gothamist

I was glad to see the Stuff Swap fundraiser was success. This is one of those things I was emailed about and just never was able to get to posting and I’m bummed that I didn’t. I’m even more bummed that I didn’t go, because I have a lot of stuff I could stand to get rid of and of course all I would want to do is replace it with more ‘stuff’. But the good news is that it will likely be happening again! – Craig’s Kitchen

A visual tour of Greenpoint Bodegas – though I feel like that last one doesn’t count since they don’t sell any food. Or the fact that you can’t even ENTER the space. – Man Made Lake

The owners of former Union Picnic have bought Cup O’ Joe’s on Driggs Ave. It mentions Ed Bode ‘grew up on Humboldt St’ like me. I really vow this Spring to get to the other side of GPT more often. I’m so out of touch with my home-side. – Grub Street & Eater

The Ravitch Commission report is ripping Greenpoint a new asshole. The plans are to “cut the G train back to Court Square at all times, and plans to cut the B24 and B48 buses in Greenpoint at night and on weekends”. First of all, to see a G Train go past Court Square is like a miracle now as it is. But to cute the B24 bus is just insanity. Anytime I have a booty call in Sunnyside I always wind up having to take a cab because the freaking B24 runs like every half hour. Cut that back even further and I could walk there faster. Ah, probably just another good reason why I should stop fucking that asshole. – Brooklyn Eagle

The (new replacement) Kosciuszko Bridge will be done by 2013. – Queens Gazette

McCarren Pool loses the ‘diving area’ due to budget restraints. Instead there will be sand and volleyball nets – a MUCH better idea anyway! – Brooklyn Paper

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  1. Speaking of Shayz Lounge, does anyone happen know if they still have Gorilla Coffee? When it was Jack O’Neil’s they had a Gorilla sign in the window, and they made one of the best espressos in the neighborhood. Now the sign is gone…is the coffee gone too?

    Also, I’m sure these posts take a really long time, but I’m always excited to see the Blog Buzz…it’s one of my favorite features!

  2. I’d say with close to 100% certainty (can’t be completely sure judging from the cell phone photos) that the car isn’t really a Lamborghini. It’s a replica, probably based on a Fiero chassis… or maybe an MR2.

    Probably in the neighborhood for a film shoot.

  3. “probably just another good reason why I should stop fucking that asshole” = hilarious!

    I’m also sad to not have a local place for Gorilla (best coffee ever) but Stumptown is pretty amazing, and they serve that over at Brooklyn Label.

    I loved that NY Times lego piece too!

    Thanks for the labor intensive blog buzz!

  4. I can definitely say, with 100% accuracy, that is not a real Lamborghini Countach, and is just a replica. But it’s still pretty funny to see even a replica anywhere!

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