An open letter from the owner of Luna Lounge and the (coming soon) new bar Satellite Lounge.

Hey friends of Luna,

Many people have written me asking about Luna Lounge. Basically, what happened is that when I opened the new club in Williamsburg, I was unable to get enough shows on a regular basis. When the Knitting Factory expressed an interest in working out an arrangement with me I decided to accommodate their interest.

I still own the name Luna Lounge (with my old partner, Dianne) and am interested in finding another space in which to work with bands. If I find an appropriate location, you guys will be the first to know.

In the meantime, I will soon be opening a new bar called The Satellite Lounge on Havemeyer Street in Williamsburg. My good friend, Dave Ellis is my new partner.
The Satellite Lounge will hold about 60-75 people. You’ll be able to hear plenty of current indie rock as well as lots of favorite older stuff from many of the previous music scenes from the last twenty years. It will not have ‘live’ music… We will be doing CD listening parties, birthday events, and be open seven days per week.
2008 was a tough one. Let’s make the new year more enjoyable.

I’ll let you know when we have an opening date in the next few weeks.

Best wishes,
Rob Sacher
Luna Lounge
Satellite Lounge

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