I got some additional information and clarification on my previous post regarding the lights on Manhattan Avenue from current Lions Club Secretary Bud Maddenand via Tommy Scudiero. Sadly, there won’t be any lights this year kids, but as soon as I get a list of the stores on The Avenue that have contributed in the past, I will most certainly post them because the stores that DO help out the community deserve recognition and Greenpointers business!

First, the Lions did not foot the bill, we were able to collect enough money to pay for the lights from a limited number of merchants, the major effort for the Lions was having to follow up with a number of visits to collect the funds from a number of stores. True Rite-Aid and other major stores and professionals, did not contribute.

Unfortunately there will be no lights on the avenue as it is to late to have them put up. The lions club discontinued the effort and was unable to sign the contract to assure the payment. We are currently placing our efforts in fund raising to help those in need of our community. We did not lose money in this project, but it became to demanding of man hours to do and complete our want to serve those in need.

We did, and do, appreciate the support of the merchants, who participated the past few years. Many of the same merchants support the Lions Club efforts for the annual “Toys for Tots Party” through being shirt sponsors, food donations, etc. Many of the banks have allowed us to put toy donation boxes in their lobbies for collection prior to Christmas (the day after Thanksgiving to December 26th). Toys collected after Christmas are designated to be given to families throughout the year for birthdays when needed. We give year round this way.

(I will try to get the disc with the stores that did participate and pass it on to whom ever needs to see this by the end of this week, ok?). If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you again Tommy, Bud and the Greenpoint Lions for all you do for Greenpoint!

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  1. That sucks. The lights were the first thing I saw when I first came to Greenpoint to visit my cousin two years ago before moving here. I would have totally helped put up lights if man hours was an issue and still would.

  2. That’s too bad. It’s funny, the lights were one of my first impressions of Greenpoint too. It was about this time last year–I was waiting for someone to show me an apartment off of Manhattan Ave., and the lights made this look like a pleasant, welcoming little place. I signed a lease an hour later.

  3. Yeah, this is really too bad. I loved the lights. I guess I took them for granted and figured they’d always be there. Not so.

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