A good liquor store is hard to find. Luckily, I did not have to try hard. Save-Rite Liquor on Manhattan Avenue is my go to stop for all things booze related.

For me, the most important quality in a booze store is that they supply my main juice:

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Cheap, sickeningly sweet champagne.

Combine this with fuzzy slippers and an episode of General Hospital and welcome to my nightly routine.


Also delightful about Save-Rite is the staff, aka team drunk. It does not matter if I go at 11:30 AM or 9 PM, those boys are always slightly sloshed and ready to offer up advice and a beverage. Yes, one time they did peer pressure me into doing 5 shots of tequila. But I think they were just trying to share their love of the drink.

Also fabulous is this free calendar offered in store.

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I like how Ms October has a floating head next to her body.

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What’s your favorite liquor store in the hood?

Save-Rite Liquors
907 Manhattan Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 389-4520

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  1. Okay, your blog is entirely mindless and now I know why. The owners of your favorite spot enable a very sick alcoholic homeless population. The owner also comes on to women so strongly, I imagine he’s done at least 200 women who shop there, meanwhile he’s married…
    Support them if you will, a better one just opened up on Franklin near Java.

  2. You can damn well better expect that if that liquor store was not there, they’d just be going to another one. Are you seriously mindless enough yourself to blame a liquor store for the existence of alcoholics?

  3. I guess thats what i get for posting a blog with pictures of the male cast of General Hospital. Chastised.
    Thanks for the liquor store suggestion Sara. I will have to check them out too

  4. I usually hit the lesser/Indian Garden as well as the 24 hour joint at Manhattan and Greenpoint for their fine selection of beer.

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