I know, I know. Posting has been slow as shit lately. Especially from me. But there was no way you were gonna get a post from me over Labor Day Weekend and then well, I just been busy. Tuesday night we went to see Hunter Parrish in Spring Awakening on Broadway (he is so hot!) and then last night I had to work late.

Here I am now with a Blog Buzz…

There’s a new Beer Garden in town and it’s ‘private’. But they’re hosting a Newcomers Party this Saturday, just join their Yahoo Group. Bushwick Beer Garden is also available for private parties – definitely the sort of place I’d want to go for a party! – NY Mag

Cafecito Bogota will be hosting the *very first* Spanish Language conversation MeetUp group in North Brooklyn. It will take place at 1015 Manhattan Avenue (at Green Street) on Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 7pm. There will be fine South American wines and Colombian tapas.

Also next Wednesday Brooklyn Based is holding their latest Cocktail Club soiree at Barrette, 601 Vanderbilt Ave. at Bergen St. in Prospect Heights. So far two of the Greenpointers Girls are going – Me and GG, but I hope that all of us will be able to attend and meet some readers and fellow bloggers.

The Viridian condo development thingy on Green Street is going to be one of six selected for a “Condo Showcase”! Will Bob Barker be there be there? – Brooklyn Eagle

Dan Redding has a great little post on Greenpoint/Williamsburg History and a super pic of Belinda’s! What a blast from the past! – Magnet Cat

Peter Pan’s girls are among the The Most Fashionable Food Service Uniforms. Greenpointers reader Kelley Hoffman of Refinery29 gives props to those cute pink & green get-ups the equally cute Polish girls rock at the Manhattan Ave institution. – Refiney29 & The Huffington Post

Fashion Blog Is Mental features our very own Alter and tries on the whole store. Warning: Drool worthy pics that will make you spend your paycheck in one day. And um, GG – they’re starting to carry some Triple 5 Soul items… – Is Mental

Middle/East blog features those crazy librarian kids from local social group The Desk Set. They secretly make me wish I had paid attention to that whole Dewey Decimal System thing in school. – Middle/East

Is Ichiran finally coming to Greenpoint? A new comment on an old thread suggests it’s possible. “I ran by there this morning and the window gate was up and there were indeed tables in there. I was also able to see table settings with spoons, napkins and chopsticks. Looks like they are almost ready to open — I hope so, it’s been a long wait.” I wouldn’t hold my breath though. – Chowhound

Casa Mon Amour is going French! “On Tuesday September 2nd, our kitchen staff will change and we will offer an exiting French Bistro Menu. It is a bit sad to let go of the Plantains and Pernil, but it is going to be great. Hope to welcome all of you there.” I’ll really miss the Maduros and Pechuga Empanizada myself, but I’m sure whatever Beatrice does will be wonderful.

The Pool Parties are over, the last concert has played and it’s cest la vie to McCarren Pool as a concert venue. Or is it? The Brooklyn Paper writes that “The brand new horseshoe-shaped swimming pool, ice-skating rink and community center that are scheduled to open in 2011 also includes an indoor performance space, said Parks Department spokesman Phil Abramson.” But there’s a catch – “There is going to be an exercise room, space for yoga, and there might be space for small performances,” Abramson said.” Yeah, not exactly room for 7,000 concertgoers anymore. – The Brooklyn Paper, JellyNYC & Brooklyn Vegan

To fill some of that concert space void, The Knitting Factory will open in March in Williamsburg. – LimeWire Music Blog

The Fred Flare store is opening this Saturday with a Sample Sale. And I was worried about what to get my little sister for her 15th birthday on Monday. Just in time… – via This is the Diary of Sara*

Tonight is the Mr & Mrs Williamsburg Pageant and Miss Lola Wakefield is competing to try and figure out once and for all if she truly is a hipster. Her blog is great and I don’t care if she is either way – she’s hysterical! – Stuff Hipsters Don’t Like

BJ’s for Hookers! I just really wanted to write that. – The Brooklyn Paper

Do you ♥ Acapulco? I know I ♥ Acapulco. And now you can join the Facebook group that ♥ Acapulco. I did! No, really. – Facebook

And this week The Habitat has pecan pie a la mode and my Sixpoint Sweet Action is back. I think there needs to be an I ♥ The Habitat Facebook group now.

Speaking of social networking and sites like that, I’ve succumbed the Greenpointers name to Twitter and Yelp. I’ve been reviewing places on Yelp for awhile and I find myself always checking out what Yelpers have to say about a joint before I check it out.

Greenpoint blogger Citizen Skein visits the local vagrants of McGolrick Park. My BFF growing up’s Dad used to be one of those guys. Wait, I think that might be him in the neon green shirt… – Musings On Point

Astroland is dead
. This weekend is the end for the 46-year-old Coney Island icon. – NY Post Blog

I’m so bummed I missed owning this postacard from eBay. “Flirtations are a regular occurance in Green Point NY. And there’s something doing every minute”. Come on, how awesome is that?

P.S. Thanks to Brownstoner, The Rich Girls Are Weeping and Brooklyn Based for linking to us this week.

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  1. I hit the Fred Flare sample sale this morning- it’s still buzzing in there! I picked up a few items that were too cute to pass on.

    And I meant to bid on the Greenpoint postcard! Darn it!!

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