So the first week of my new job is said and done and I’m into my second week. I have come to the realization that I am going to put a nice significant weekly amount into lottery tickets. I seriously just need to be independently wealthy cause this ‘work’ shit – ain’t for me.

And now back to reality & another Blog Buzz.

Yo La Tengo with Titus Andronicus and Ebony Bones is playing the final free McCarren Pool Parties show on August 24th. And when we say final, we mean final. – Ween Forum

I just got around to reading this article from the first week in June. Hey I’m fucking busy, give me a break! “Why the Hipster Must Die“. “Hipsters in their present undead incarnation are essentially people who think of themselves as being cooler than America. But they are afflicted by that other ism sociologists made an industry of decrying in the 20th century: narcissism.” – Time Out New York

Dalaga relaunched their website and they even have a Dalaga Loves Greenpoint page. However, Dalaga apparently does not love us. That’s ok, we love them anyway.

This Friday, take the L to save a life. Or at least donate some blood for the Northside Blood Drive.

Hey, you can get this shiny 5 cent token to spend any way you like at the C.F. Schmitz bar! Yeah, I have no idea either. – eBay

I came across this blog and the authors beautiful photos. But what I really noticed were the photos taken right in front of the house I grew up in. The two ladies frolicking in front of the Johnny Pump I frolicked in front of as a kid so many times. I lived directly across the street from that pump. I miss my block. 🙁 – Elizabeth Weinberg Photography Blog
Hello Health’s first patient gives them rave reviews. Which is pretty cool cause if I get sick, I will probably be using them. – dear birthday
Top Chef stalking is upping it’s game! Jaunted has a bevy of links that show pictures of the cheftestants and some (totally unconfirmed) ID’s. – Jaunted
If you think there are too many Polish restaurants and food places in the ‘hood, then you haven’t noticed the influx of Mexican joints coming to town. The new ‘Mexican street food’ thing is getting a little ridiculous, no? There’s a new place every other week. Not that I’m complaining, I prefer tacos to borscht any day. – Jaunted
And finally, there’s a *big* stoop sale happening this weekend at 186 Java. The owner emailed me a list a mile long of the goods he’ll have including furniture, electronics, odds & ends and more. If you’re in the market for pretty much anything, it’d be a good idea to at least check it out. It’s Saturday and Sunday from 10am-6pm.

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