While enjoying an always fragrant jaunt on the G train yesterday, my best friend told me that Whole Foods was coming to Greenpoint. I did some quick online research and could not find any actual confirmation. The Whole Foods website is playing coy and simply saying there is a store in development in “Brooklyn” .

I am not really a girl who quibbles over rumor vs. fact, so I am just going to start imagining the Garden vs. Whole Foods throwdown now.

If I were a better person, I would say that I was going to support my local Greenpoint institution and scoff at yet another huge corporation invading the Point.

But I am pretty much without a soul at this point.

I am going to rock that Whole Foods hot/cold bar like my mom rocks prescription pills.

whole foods

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  1. I can confirm that the the Brooklyn store that is in development will be near the Gowanas…on a brown field that whole foods is revitalizing…this store has been in the works for quite a while (since before I left the company over a year ago)and it is going to be huge.

    I have been saying for quite a while that North Brooklyn really needs a store like Whole Foods (because besides the garden we are seriously lacking in good grocery options).

    Please let us know as you hear more on this development.

  2. That’s huge news – but who can afford the produce @ Whole Foods?! Aren’t the peppers like 8 dollars a pound?

    I can’t wait to get the confirmation on this one!

  3. The staff at the Gardne are sullen and rude, I’d go for wholefoods. Alas, they won’t be in greenpoint.

  4. The staff at The Garden hardly speak English. I can see hiring some Polish to communicate with the customers but do they ALL have to be Polish? I’d actually welcome a skinny little hipster vegan at this point.

    So even if it doesn’t look like it’ll be a Whole Foods, maybe it’ll be that Trader Joe’s I was praying for. i like them way better than Whole Foods.

  5. Tom, spare us the bullshit propaganda, or tell us who you’re working for now? Hmmm? Gowanus Lounge is as “reliable” as a used condom poked with needle holes by a Kent Avenue junkie before they decide, hey, I can tie off with this too!

    Note to Greenpointers: what’s the date on the link above?

    Question to Tom: what was GL’s “source”? Pay attention to the facts, Tom, or take your time to explain WHY, and how often you and Whole Foods have lied lied lied and lied some more about their plans?

    Whether or not anyone likes the cold bar is a different issue but, for the sake of all Greenpointers, I’m calling “Tom” waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out.

    Thai noodles on me, Lady Greenpointer, if it does go through.

  6. Everyone talks about The Garden, but Natural Garden down on Manhattan near Nassau is pretty decent and much less crowded!

  7. I have nothing to hide I’m a former employee of the company (I used to work at the Chelsea store up until the spring of 2007).

    If Gowanus Lounge isn’t a reliable enough source for you check out Whole Foods website:

    “BROOKLYN, N.Y. (November 15, 2006). Whole Foods Market® (NASDAQ: WFMI), the world’s leading retailer of natural and organic foods, today officially broke ground for the company’s first Brooklyn store, located at the corner of Third Avenue and Third Street. At a ceremony attended by local elected officials, community leaders and area residents, Whole Foods Market officials detailed their plans for the 68,000-square-foot grocery store on a 2.1 acre site. The store is expected to open in spring 2008.”


    I know they are off schedule, but they always are on store openings. There were no lies in my comment. I hope this clears up some of the questions “Anonymous” had (and for real… if you are going to call me out at least leave a name). Next time I post a source I’ll make sure it is “reliable.”

    Oh if the link doesn’t work click on my name…I’ll make that link to the story on their website.

  8. Welcome news, I for one think the Garden kind of sucks. Their produce is always a little worn looking and the prices arent that good either. C Town usually has fresher stuff. The Garden fools people into thinking it has better stuff due to the “upscale” nature of the place.

  9. I’m here in support of the Garden and those that work there. This has been a great place for me for years and the people have been really good to me. They are not mean. If you are a stranger to a strange town, then you could say that the Poles are mean, but they simply aren’t. I’m on a first name basis with half a dozen employees at the Garden and will enjoy their goodness for years to come.

    And as far as Whole Foods goes, I don’t wantit. I also ndon’t want anymore Starbuck’s (much better coffee at Brooklyn Label, anyways). I applaud the lack of progress to the G train and anticipate a faultering economy… all things that will slow down the gentrification that is bound to happen.

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