No not those new kids. Our new kids!

I’ve had a couple of new writers join Greenpointers this week and I am psyched to welcome Krissy and Amanda to the fold. I was so thrilled with Lady Lorimer that I decided adding even more peeps to the mix would be fun.

Krissy is already cracking me up and Amanda has me really excited to see her Pic-Me idea. I almost can’t wait until she gets back from vacation to start. All the contributers put their name as a label on their entries so feel free to click on the right sidebar and check out each writers individual posts.

With more writers, I imagine there will be more posts to read and more varied opinions. As the creator of this blog I definitely put no reins on any of these writers posts. All I ask is that they keep it to mostly Greenpoint (with some Billyburg in there for good measure). Other than that, these people are free to write about whatever or whomever they choose. And down the road there may definitely be conflicting opinion posts – it’s a free blogosphere, I say.

So I just wanted to officially welcome them both and I look forward to reading my own blog with them writing!

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  1. I am just going to admit right now that I purchased tickets weeks ago to the NKOTB reunion tour. I am going in September. Look out for that blog gem.

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