Well after a few months of admiration (harassment) of this blog here I am a contributor.

I will have a series of posts called – Pic-Me. It will be a picture of a local, hipster, neighbor, etc and a little bit about them.

Where picture was taken:
Where were you born (Originally?)
How long have you been in GP/places you’ve lived?
Favorite bar/restaurant/store & Why:
Worst thing about GP:
Best thing about GP:
Funniest/Oddest moment of today:

I’m super excited to be a part of this. Will start posting after I get back from vacation.

Amanda (I don’t have an alias… yet)

Notes – I like sushi, water, my boyfriend, Black Rabbit bar, music, Italy, the basketball courts on corner of Milton and Franklin, chocolate and cheese.

ps. Props to Justine cuz she is a rocka and rolla! (this pic is of my friend Marika’s tattoo)

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