As previously noted , I am obsessed with take-out. Living in NYC has spoiled me. Cultures, religions, and ethnicities mold together, resulting in some of the most exotic and delicious food choices available in the world. No where is this more apparent than in NYC’s most auspicious and culturally relevant food option: “Mexi-Asian” fast food.

In Greenpoint, just take a walk down Manhattan Ave and you will be smacked in the face with numerous examples of this phenomenon including such locales as Fresh Tortillas and Yummy Taco. However, I advise you to keep walking until you get to my baby daddy, “Fres’co Tortillas.”


Like any committed relationship, we have had our ups and downs. There was the 2003 blackout incident, when their unrefrigerated old cheese had a week long fight with my digestive track. There are the empty promises of the “five minute” arrival, when in fact it’s more on the side of 45. And then there is the questionable way their delivery man greets me with a “hey baby”, which could be either endearing or really creepy depending on your perspective. But these are mere speed bumps on the road of true food love.

Fresco Tortillas has a wide menu of cheap and delicious tex-mex standbys:


My order of choice is the Vegetable Combo Platter. A delightful styrofoam box contains a pile of mexican rice, black beans, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, guacamole and a collection of steamed vegetables.


You also get two freshly made tortillas on the side, thus allowing the interactive element of the creation of your own meal.


Along with an extra side order of black beans, you just met my three times a week dinner. All for the bargain basement price of $6.95!


Other delicious options on the menu include the Black Bean and Cheese Tortilla – a tangy blend of black beans and cheese encased in a warm, fluffy tortilla. The Guacamole Nachos may be a heart attack in the making, but damn those greasy chips smothered in beans, cheese, sour cream, and guacamole are worth it after a night of hitting the hooch. I do not live in the meat eating world, but I have seen my former roommate rock a chicken burrito like a champ. All in all, Fresco Tortillas is the epitome of comfort food eating on the cheap. Just go, for god’s sake.

Fresco Tortillas
620 Manhattan Ave
Brooklyn NY 11222

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  1. It’s total melting pot because Tex-Mex is American cuisine distantly based on Mexican Food prepared by possibly South or Central American people in a Polish neighborhood.

  2. Someone in the New Yorkers LiveJournal community calls those places “Chexican”. It’s kinda catchy.

  3. I used to go there a lot…but then I found a cockroach leg inside my container and haven’t been back there since…

  4. The only reason why you thought this place was great was because you are a vegitarian. I love meat, and I judge restaurants by how good their meats dishes are. At Fresco Tortillas both the grilled chicken and steak were cold, fatty, old, and overall gross. I had a stabbing feeling in my stomach for the rest of the day. I would not want anyone to go through the same ordeal I did. I will agree with you on one thing, it’s cheap. But who want’s cheap bad food?

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