Last week I spied this on Racked and I was pretty excited considering I used to frequent the 17th St shop when I worked down the block. Yesterday I took a little walk over there to check it out and was pleased with what I saw when I peeked in the windows.

Looks a helluva lot better than the Salvation Army locations in town. I’ve been thrift shopping since I was a kid, I love vintage. But with the bedbug epidemic around town, I’ve stayed away from local thrifts and junk shops. I’ve been doing most of my thrifting in Jersey when I visit the ‘rents. But now with Angel Street, I’m a little more secure in shopping locally.

Opening tomorrow at 11am.

Angel Street Thrift Shop
67 Guernsey Street
Between Norman & Nassau

And if you want a little more thrill of the hunt, check out Brooklyn Stoop. A blog that showcases Brooklyn Stoop Sales like these two this Sunday right in Greenpoint.

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