About a week and a half ago I was in Van Gogh’s having a beer with a guy when I unexpectedly ran into Emily Rawlings. Me and Emily met randomly in her kitchen in late 2006. There’s a little more to that story but it’s not really for public consumption, if you catch my drift.

Although we didn’t run into each other again until now, I did keep up with her photography since I found her stuff to be so wonderful. She’s contributed some great shots to the Greenpointers Flickr Pool and I decided to use three of her portrait shots of Greenpointers for this weeks Sunday Snaps.

First up is a shot of Tommy from Alter.

Next up is Jon from Lamb & Jaffy’s, who I haven’t ran into in awhile.

And lastly, Miss Emily herself.

You can take a look at the rest of Emily’s beautiful photographs on her Flickr page here. And stay tuned cause me and Em are gonna do a little Greenpointers collaboration involving alcohol and cameras very soon. Sure to be fun for all. Especially us.

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