Me, my youngest sister Jo and my pops checked out the Renegade Craft Fair yesterday and even though it was hot as balls, it was a good time. Bright and early we had breakfast at the 3 Decker, shot over to the fair and finished up with ice cream and D&D’s. Quite the Greenpoint family fest.

I’m so glad we got there as soon as it opened because by 1:30pm we were all about five sconds away from heatstroke. We all picked up things and I am bummed that I didn’t get the names of all the shops where we bought from but I’ll blame it on the heat that my brain wasn’t working properly.

We picked up a great pair of brass feather earrings for my sister Michelle who was too lazy to wake up at 9am to drive in from Jersey with my Dad and my youngest sister Jo. Jo picked up a really sweet babydoll tank with an oil rig screenprinted on it. Who would’ve thought a 14 year old could be so topical? She was also checking out these large pretty metal flower rings from TwistStyle, but at $28 a pop they were a little too rich for her blood.

My favorite was The Weekend Store booth. The woman there sells pendants, necklaces, earring and cufflinks out of vintage typewriter keys. So novel, so cool. I picked up the $5 special of numbers pendants with my birthdate of the number 5 and a %. I thought it was a little more unexpected than my initial and it was cheaper, too.

All in all a good time with some cool stuff. I might even run back today to check out some more.

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  1. you totally captured the essence of the renegade craft fair for the world!! i’m already going through craft withdrawal!

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