Ah, busy little Greenpointer hasn’t had time to blog! But the world keeps turning and others keep writing so here’s a roundup of some Greenpoint goodies from around the ‘net.

Getting to know Greenpoint and Williamsburg
– This post is hoping to be the definitive one to give you all the yummies around the hood. – Chowhound

Studio B and it’s retractable roof – I find this one hard to believe will actually happen given all the drama from the residents… but it sure does look purty.

Speaking of drama from local residents, the madness surrounding Club Exit and the nearby shooting has been the buzz of the neighborhood. The Brooklyn Eagle even added another tasty tidbit that “The woman was shot in the leg as she fled down Greenpoint Avenue around 4 a.m. Friday while running away from the scene of a brawl inside the club.” Monday night there was supposedly a community meeting at the side of the old Greenpoint savings bank. The Brooklynian thread has a poster on there that’s claiming it did take place and “that the actual owner of exit was at the town meeting to answer all questions”, as well as stating “the captain of the 94, and the owner of exit, have sat down and spoke,and will try to work together to make the neighborhood safer and quieter”. Hmmmmm, anyone else go to this meeting?

Even more neighborhood drama was at the McCarren Park Go Green! Greenpoint Earth Day event. Exxon was apparently a major sponsor of the event that it caused some folks to do a sort of “protest” at the event. Personally, I think it’s quite fucking hypocritical of everyone to at one point berate Exxon for not doing enough for the community after their major oil spill fuck-up of the century but then when they do try, we give ’em shit for that, too. It just goes to show people love to bitch and moan.


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  1. Right on about the Exxon thing. And about Studio B and Club Exit…well if I wanted to live in a quiet neighborhood I’d move out of the city and to the sticks. I am sure that is an unpopular sentiment with many that are holier than thou, but honestly, what do people expect when they live in one of the biggest and most diverse cities on the planet? There are going to be annoyances and while gunfire sure sucks, it’s not like it’s exclusive to NY at all.

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