On this morning’s commute I was greeted by two MTA workers hawking rider report cards for the G train. I usually don’t bother with things like this but lately, but I am going to fill out this Rider Report Card. And I’m not going to just be some stupid moron who checks the unsatisfactory “F” box for every item. I’m going to sit down, really think about it and grade appropriately.

Speaking of grades, the NYC School Progress Report came out this week and our Greenpoint elementary schools did pretty good with PS 34 and PS 31 each getting an A. PS 110 (my alma mater) got a B. Embarrassingly JHS 126 (also, my alma mater) got a D which explains why most of the people I know in Greenpoint with kids of middle school age have been finagling their kids into JHS 318 over in Williamsburg who scored a B.

I have a feeling the G train is going to score more along the lines of 126.

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