Yesterday after work I decided to cough it up and get a bed. And I also ordered an AeroBed mattress. Both of which should be here by next weekend. My days of mattress on the floor livin’ are coming to an end. Hoo-fucking-ray.

Caught dinner and margarita’s last night with GG and her beau at Taco Chulo in Williamsburg. I’m a confessed Mexican food fiend. Burritos, Nachos, Enchiladas – I love it all. And being that I’m poor as shit I guess I’m lucky I don’t jones for French food, huh?

A couple of weeks ago I was walking down Java on my way to the Avenue just minding my own business, albeit seething with jealousy over some of the buildings on the block, when two little Hispanic girls got out of a minivan and trotted over to the their stoop. One was probably maybe eight or nine, the other five or six. They were cute enough considering I hate kids.

As I walked by, the older one called me a “Gringa”! I turned around and gave this little bitch in training such a look that I was half tempted to smack her. It’s not even all that upsetting that she called me that, it pissed me off more cause she obviously assumed I was just one of the hundreds of other white bread “Gringas” that have moved into her “turf”. One that wouldn’t know what it was that she was saying.

One would also assume that when I shot her that look that she would have maybe retreated. Put her head down or went inside, maybe? But oh no, not this little Boricua. She stared me down and there was not a single hint of remorse or regret in that little face.

I can respect that. The poor girls parents are probably getting priced out of the hood and friends moving away by the minute. At nine years old, she’s got every right to be pissed off at the Gringas.

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  1. But what about all the Polish “gringas” who have been in the ‘hood for generations? Does this kid take that into consideration I wonder?

  2. Well I imagine the Polish peeps get another derogatory term… no matter how many generations they’ve been here.

  3. well the poles are white and are one up on the boricuas, the PR’s have been moved out of almost neighborhood they have ever been in…look at the lower east side & east village, south willliamsburg and now bushwick (i’m sure in 10 years there will be few and far between there) not that is any excuse to call YOU a gringa!

  4. I’m sure the Irish and Italians in Greenpoint said some choice words to the little rican’s elders a few generations ago. I guess they don’t like it any less when they are pushed out of their nabe. Except in this case, the neighborhood is “getting better” ie; more expensive and they have to leave. This is unlike when her abuelos moved in and turned it into… – well I’ll let you fill in the blank.

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