Greenpointers is passionate about local shopping, especially during the holidays. Each day in December we will bring you great local gift ideas and specials.

Keep your eye out for GP (Greenpointers) Discounts! 

Day 19: Fanaberie

Day 18: Brooklyn Kitchen 

Day 17: Farm to Baby (GP Discount)

Day 16: Sapere Studio (GP Discount)

Day 15: Awakening Day Spa

Day 14: Eat

Day 13: Cafe Grumpy (GP Discount)

Day 12: Splendid Spoon

Day 11: Brouwerij Lane (GP Discount)

Day 10: Pie Corp

Day 9: Got a Girl Crush Magazine (GP Discount)

Day 8: Adelina’s (GP Discount)

Day 7: Human@Ease (GP Discount)

Day 6: East River Tattoo (GP Discount)

Day 5: From The Source

Day 4: Boylan Bottling Co.

Day 3: Calicornucopia Art Show

Day 2: Eastern District Stuffed Tote Bags

Day 1: Greenpoint Photo Book by Jennifer Galatioto

In the mean time, check out these fine local businesses who have sponsored the gift guide  and supported Greenpointers!


sapere studio

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