*All photos taken from the Greenpointers Group Flickr Pool.
Category: Culture
Sunday Snaps: Double Dosed II
I missed last Sunday’s post so here’s an extra helping of the great photos in the Greenpointers Flickr Group Pool. And also, in true journalistic style I have a correction […]
Sunday Snaps: ‘Round The Way
Manna by Emily Raw Don’t come in! by FezzusAustralis Hotcake @ Park Luncheonette by germuska *All photos are taken from the Greenpointers Flickr Group Pool.
Sunday Snaps: Bountiful
Bird by Emily Raw Guernsey Street, Brooklyn by rutlo red potato by mugsniffer *All photos taken from the Greenpointers Group Flickr Pool.
Sunday Snaps: Moving Images
This weeks Sunday Snaps is a video contributed to the Greenpointers Flickr Group Pool by BF 08. And it’s a stunning rooftop view of a Greenpoint sunset. Enjoy! My Greenpoint […]
Ooo Pretty
Saw this fun Flickr meme over at Bitchy Bluestocking and I just love things like this so here’s some more snaps for your Sunday. 😉 1. Justine Electra, 2. Mexican […]
Sunday Snaps: Natural Beauty
My Greenpoint rooftop. by BF 08 Katrina by Emily Raw married to the sea by nancy strange by FranklySpeaking All photos were taken from the Greenpointers Flickr Group Pool.
Sunday Snaps: Double Dosed
I missed last Sunday’s post since it was the Labor Weekend so I thought I’d do six great shots from the Greenpointers Flickr Pool instead of the normal three this […]
Sunday Snaps: Oh The Pretty Colors
fruit at the garden by sara bizarro Not Your Usual Grafitti by marcus_in_ny IMG_7930.JPG by alisonboring All images taken from the Greenpointers Flickr Pool.
Sunday Snaps: Pop ‘Em
High-Tech Concrete by marcus_in_ny pop ’em by Jiminy Crow DSC00762 by rutila All pics taken from the Greenpointer Flickr Pool.