Food for Brooklyn, a Greenpoint-based, volunteer-run pantry, has teamed up with several local businesses for a spring food drive. 

Stop by The Coffee Shop (269 Nassau Ave.), Maison Jar (566 Leonard St.), Café Grumpy (193 Meserole Ave.), and Assembly Member Emily Gallagher’s office (685a Manhattan Ave.) with your non-perishable donations. This Sunday, March 22, you can also drop off items at the McGolrick Park Farmers Market.


Just be sure to double-check those cans of tuna, as the FDA recently recalled a brand sold at Trader Joe’s. 

Food for Brooklyn first started in 2020, with 100% of donations going to neighbors in need. Your good deeds don’t have to end with the spring food drive, as the non-profit always welcomes new volunteers (shifts take place on the first and third Saturday of every month).

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