If High School Musical is anything to go by, karaoke is a great place to meet your soulmate (ski lodge not required). And two crooners may have done just that if a Missed Connection writer gets their way.
According to the post, the two crossed paths at Chino Grande — which serves up cocktails, elevated bar bites, and karaoke in equal measure — on July 21 while performing some bona fide karaoke classics (“Dirty Work” by Steely Dan and “If It Makes You Happy” by Sheryl Crow). Also, extra points for choosing songs that are safely in range for most; nothing spoils a meet-cute or striped bass ceviche quite like hearing a sour note.

If our math is correct, the Sheryl Crow impersonator should be back in town soon, so here’s hoping the two can remain in harmony. The interaction included a hug, after all, which is more than most Missed Connectioners can say.