What’s more adorable than kids being kids…next to cardboard cutouts of kids whose heyday was more than a century ago?
In celebration of the 120th anniversary school year of The Monitor School (PS110), the neighborhood kids recently observed Historical Photo Day.
For this occasion, each class posed with a cardboard cutout of a class photo from 120 years ago. But it was a thoughtful pose, because the kids spent a week leading up to the photo shoot analyzing the historical photo and talking about the things they have in common with the kids of yesteryear (not to mention what sets them apart).
“There were discussions about the facial expressions, the clothes and possible moods of the children in the photo,” said the school in a statement. “Some of the children even showed up ‘in character’ for the photograph. Also discussed was what the students were learning back then and how much the world has changed between then and now. It was a great learning exercise for the students on history, time and perspective.”
Because stretching it out is always the best protocol to follow where festivities are concerned, Historical Photo Day was one small part of a year-long anniversary celebration, which has also included a wine & cheese celebration, December toy drive, valentines created for a local senior citizen home, community service day in McGolrick Park, and more.
Another fabulous post….steph k…shades of gerry cobb….