With all of this Spring cleaning on the horizon, what better time to spruce up your pad with new furnishings? The latest Wythe Hotel Pop-Up, Works MFG, has some goodies in store. The cool, contemporary shop opened on 5/19 and will run through 6/22.

The Greenpoint design studio creates custom furniture, lighting and metalwork. And you may have seen their pieces around town already — from lighting elements found in Wythe, including the desk lamps in all guest rooms. These lamps and many more will be available at The Shop, as well as a curated selection of home goods including tables, stools, trays, bowls, vases, jewelry and more. There’s also wares in brass and copper, and not to mention candles, soaps, bath teas, wallpaper and vintage lighting!
The Shop at Wythe Hotel
80 Wythe Avenue