MillionTreesNYC is giving away a gift card to home depot and an official NYC Parks tree bed plaque to the tree steward who pimps out their tree bed. It is easy to enter, just upload a photo of your tricked out tree bed to their facebook page. The deadline is August 3rd, 2012.
Trees on your block are simple to care for: water them, pull up weeds, don’t let’s dogs pee on them, mulch them and don’t build a big box around them or cover the tree pit with bricks, otherwise it suffocates the roots and prevents rainwater from getting in.
Take it to the next level and Adopt a NYC Tree. Here is more information on how to care for your tree. Watch our Trees rule!  video to learn about trees in Greenpoint.
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Thank you for posting this. I love that the city is doing this! I just adopted 5 trees in greenpoint, which basically means you pull weeds around them, water when needed and plant anything around them you like. The only problem is you have to pay for the flowers/plants you put in. I was thinking about contacting rooftop farms or another local grower to see if they would have space to grow perenial flowers. That way when a local greenpointer adopts a tree they would get some flowers. What do you think?
i say go for it! it never hurts to ask. not sure what kind of space they have up there. at the very least they might be able to give you tips on growing flowers from seeds…that way it’s more cost effective.