©thegreenpointersMy name is Jen G. As Justine warmly announced, I now have the reigns to this amazing blog! Its like getting keys to a new car. I’m revving the engine and excited for the ride but how do I roll down the windows? It will all sink in.

Justine is making this transition amazing. What a woman! I am not a humble person, but after meeting Justine, a bad ass Brooklyn bitch with a NY accent that puts mine to shame, I’m getting a taste of the pie and its awfully yummy.

What she built through The Greenpointers blog is an indispensable resource and I am honored to be given the torch.

I have a ton of ideas for the blog. In fact, my hamster wheel of a brain never stops. My main focus will be on what makes this great neighborhood so special: the amazing people here! And photos; we love photos!

With sections covering happenings, grub, culture, local causes, giveaways, people profiles and photo essays galore from a variety of talented contributors old and new, I hope to do the blog justice and make Justine and you loyal readers proud.

Enough about me: what do you want to see from The Greenpointers Blog?

Comment away…

And as always please send any news, events, photos, stories, and ANYTHING that is awesome, to: greenpointers (at) gmail.com

Thanks again Justine and everyone!

And we’re off…

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