img by Leo Reynolds

Our own Joann Kim’s Greenpointers 5:

1. Favorite block/street?
Monitor Street!! I live on this street, McGolrick Park is within arms reach, my neighbors and their dogs are awesome (for the most part).

2. Favorite coffee?
Cafe Grumpy! They have their own gigantic roaster and it’s my go to spot when starring at the computer all day and need white noise distractions from espresso machines to hipster chatter to obnoxious music they sometimes play.

3. Favorite bar?
t.b.d. hand’s down. They host many community benefiting events AND, they have a ping pong table. I am asian. I ping pong.

4. Favorite restaurant?
Cafecito Bogota. Mounted empanadas of the shrimp, beef, chicken, veggie variety accompanied by salad and mulled wine. AND they also contribute plenty to the community.

5. Favorite etc.?
WORD and their nerdy dating board, East River Tattoo for embedding the most kickass tattoo on my skin, The Garden for never failing to supply EVERYTHING I need, Ashbox for their spicy mayo riceball, Rooftop Farms, for their, rooftop farm, Papacito’s for their carne asada taco, the “nature walk” at 100 Paidge, Church of Messiah for hosting all the amazing and creative events this nabe has to offer, including Greenpoint Food Market, R.I.P.!

Note: Reflecting on my favorites of Greenpoint reminded me of how much I love this neighborhood. I grew up in NY and for the first time in my LIFE I feel at home, I feel like I’m part of a community, that I am contributing and receiving an ever growing energy of bubbling creativity, whether in the realm of food, or art, or drinkery. I’m in the midst of moving and to think I even CONSIDERED moving into the city is pure blasphemy. Greenpoint til I die!!!


Share your Greenpointers 5! Shoot us an email at [email protected] with your answers and we’ll happily post them.

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