You know shit is getting tough when people are stealing the wheels off your mom’s minivan.


I read your blog quite frequently. It is always a great resource for neighborhood info. Thanks for keeping it up. Thought I would pass along something very strange that I saw this morning on my way to work.

Someone decided to steel all four tires from a Honda Fit early this morning on Ainslie st btw Lorimer & Leonard. I have never seen anything like this on my block or to such a generic car. I feel bad for the owner, sucks to see your car teetering on cinder blocks. See attached pictures.



Neighbors, we need to watch out for each other and our blocks a little more. If you see someone taking the wheels off a car – it’s probably not their car. While it may not be a situation for 911 – contact the 94th Precinct at the below numbers – keep these in your cell phone and/or on your fridge.

Precinct: (718) 383-3879

Community Affairs: (718) 383-5298
Crime Prevention: (718) 383-3287
Domestic Violence: (718) 383-4250
Youth Officer: (718) 383-3098
Auxiliary Coordinator: (718) 383-6248
Detective Squad: (718) 383-8495

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