Today the Greenpointers Blog turns two. Two years and 787 posts, well this will be 788… Anyway, it’s been a lot of fun and I’ve met a ton of wonderful people through writing this blog, including some wonderful friends who have posted with me like Kea, Joann, Krissy, Amanda and others.

I really want to thank everyone for reading, sending me tips and linking to me over the the last couple of years. The hits get more and more every month and I’m totally amazed that I’ve created something that people who both grew up here and transplants like. Like I’ve said many times, I miss the old but also love the new. Occasionally, something will set my wheels spinning but for the most part, I’m happy with the way things in the neighborhood are. I’m sad that friends are still moving away but I’ve also heard a couple of people are moving back, so I guess it all evens out in the end.

I don’t have any grand plans for the future of this blog other than it’s gonna pretty much be the same it’s been for the last two years – a little bit of everything for the neighborhood – old & new.

Thanks again,


Join the Conversation


  1. This is a great neighborhood blog, you rock. If you're lookin for more guest posters, I'd be glad to contribute!

  2. Mel – send me an email! Always interested in guest bloggers. 🙂

    Eat It – Congrats on your first year!

    Everyone else, thanks for the best wishes. 🙂


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