I got an email today from Dailey Crafton to let me know that the Williamsburg Church on Jackson St. is partnering with the New York Blood Center this weekend, Saturday the 27th from 10am to 3pm, to host a blood drive in the blood bus near Jackson St. and Graham Ave. He also mentions that the blood center said because of the recession, several large companies have downsized so much, that they’ve cut their blood drives. So, they’re in very dire need of new units right now. They usually have less than one day’s supply on hand, and now it’s even less than that. This blood will have a direct positive impact on the lives of those that need it. This is for a good cause guys and it’s a nice walk over to Italian Greenpoint! Check out the details on Facebook.

Papacito’s was robbed! A damn shame, but I’ve been hearing more and more about robberies and burglaries taking place in the neighborhood. Times are tough and things are get realistic. – Gothamist

Remember that fella who got ticketed for drinking a brew on his own stoop? Well hear his story in his own word this Monday at Pete’s Candy Store. “Open City Dialogue (OCD) is a bi-monthly lecture series curated by Greenpoint resident James Hook, and unraveling on alternating Mondays in the backroom of Pete’s. Short (35-40 minute) lectures are woven together from the common thread of people’s obsessions, with guests coming from all over Greater New York. Whether academic or crackpot; celebrated or unsung, our lecturers all have something to tell you.”

Growlers are the new black. Tom Pavlich has the scoop (and pics) on Urban Rustic now selling beer… and growlers! – The Great Pumpkin

This 4th kinda sucks for Greenpointers since we’re ass out of seeing the Fireworks that are for some ungodly reason being shown over the Hudson. BBQ’s and merriment will still go on but if you’re looking for something a little different, Brooklyn Based has an event over at Queens Farm that includes camping, brews and a pig roast! – Brooklyn Based

Blogger Tim Haines, a native Greenpointer gives his Farewll to Old Brooklyn. Right on, brother. – Thoughts & Perceptions

Local and best DJ’s in the ‘Point have launched their sister site strictly for Sweet 16’s. These are the hardest working and most sought after guys around. They know how to make a good party, GREAT! – Parties On Point

If you haven’t noticed, La Taverna is open for business on the corner of Manhattan and Java. Has anyone had a chance to try it out yet? From their menu, it seems that the prices are reasonable which is a definite welcome! Oh and reader Debbie Roldan tells me they’re hiring! – Gothamist

Sometimes I am just amazed at the crazy things that go on around here. Apparently there is a rooftop farm on Eagle Street. I shit you not. – Not Eating Out in New York via Morta Di Fame Also at New York Magazine

Alter is resurrecting their This Old Thing? line of reconstructed vintage designs! Check out this incredibly adorable dress turned romper. Though I have yet to embrace the romper look personally (and likely never will), I have to admit they are really cute. – Alter

Link Update: Teresa Toro has started blogging for the Greenpoint Star! – North Brooklyn

The Brooklyn Kitchen has their July classes up including a Cake Decorating class on 7/15… That sounds like such fun, if I knew how to bake… – The Brooklyn Kitchen

A Peter Pan Doughnut shop cartoon. With Chewbacca. – YaYaArt

So apparently Williamsburg streets are TOO clean for those dirty little hispters. – Brooklyn Paper

Tomorrow night there’s a fundraiser being held for India Mural Project which is something near and dear to Greenpointers contributer Joann’s heart. So go! – WGArts

Frank Jump’s awesome Fading Ad Blog capture the Greenpoint Bulls. – Fading Ad Blog

The economic reality of Williamsburg is that most of us are not trust-funders. I love how they report that “These days, it’s common at community meetings for speakers to announce how long they have lived in the neighborhood.” – Daily Intel

The McCarren Green Market is relocating since the vendors are killing the grass. Yet all those vendors are bitching and moaning about it. “Every other Greenmarket in the city is on a paved area,” he added. “We suggested they relocate to a paved area in the park.” The hippie, organic farmers who are supposed to care about shit like that don’t give a fuck. What a shocker. Hypocrisy at it’s finest. – Brooklyn Paper

And finally, on eBay, seller lpworld has a 1959 issue of a New York Port Authority Magazine featuring a 1½ page article on Greenpoint. How did that little mag find itself in Argentina?! – eBay

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  1. Tim Haines conveniently neglects to mention that many of those old school locals are making Greenpoint family unfriendly by charging outrageous rent in buildings they own, or by selling to developers and new landlords.

    My first two landlords were Polish and had been in the neighborhood for over forty years, but my rent was not "a fair rent for fair space."

    I don't know why it has to be the artists' s fault—they didn't ask for the rent to be raised. It's all about capitalism and some of the locals saw an opportunity to make money. It sucks, but don't blame the artists.

    I would love to have Mr. Haines meet my old landlord and ask him how he feels about the changing of the neighborhood. I'm sure he could come up with about 2.3 million reasons why change is good.

    While I agree that we don't need another sushi or Thai restaurant in the neighborhood—we also don't need another Polish deli.

    I understand why Mr. Haines is upset, but he needs to spread the blame.

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