As some of you might know, I work for the YMCA. Not the Greenpoint branch, but the McBurney branch on 14th St in the city. The YMCA is a non-profit and does various fundraisers and events throughout the year to raise money for all the good work they do with kids. But this event is the one I am looking forward to the most.


This Beer Tasting 101 consists of all the beer and hors d’Ĺ“uvre you can stuff in your piehole from 6:30pm-8pm on Wednesday May 13th at Heartland Brewery in Union Square.

1. This is the perfect happy hour event after work. Get all your office buddies to come!
2. This is still a breeze to get home from. The L train is right across the street.
3. It’s $35 – all you can drink & eat for an hour and a half with the profits going to charity. You can drink and eat like a piggy and say it’s all for charity!
4. If you mention you heard it from me here on Greenpointers you will get a shiny new Heartland Brewery pint glass. Ooooo, ahhhhh!

No other reasons needed – call 212.912.2300 right now, credit card handy and tell them you want to register for the Beer Tasting 101 event. If you’re the type that hates to call, you can email me directly (jcarroll [at] ymcanyc [dot] org) your information and I’ll process it personally.

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