bakery cat, originally uploaded by m clark.

It’s Mischief Night!

Mischief Night was big when I lived in Staten Island. We’d go around suburbia stealing lawn ornaments and toilet papering houses. I’d never heard of it before I moved there, but I’m sorta glad I hadn’t. Two nights of Greenpoint debauchery would have been too much.

But tomorrow is the big night. Halloween on a Friday! There will be parties and freaks flowing throughout the ‘hood. Here’s a few things that’ll be going on:

Will be giving away door prizes every half hour from 4-8pm and everything in the store is 20% off to boot!


The Diamond Bar:
4-6pm Little tots and parents Halloween private party.
The bar is open but be warned, there will be toddlers ruling the place for these two hours

8pm Zombie Crawl
I got makeup for you last minute zombie wanna bees. $3 pints for zombies until 9pm when you hobble to the Black Rabbit and others for continued mayhem.

10pm Sets from DJ Antimagic
Ted McGrath and Marcia Cahill will spin all night. Let’s shoot to get everyone dancing by 11:30!


Cafe Grumpy:
The Hoodies, Wheelies & Movies continues with a screening of (one of my personal favorites) Donnie Darko starting at 7pm. Patrick Swayze into kiddie porn – what more can I say?!


Greenpoint Zombie Crawl
$3 pints for all Zombies!
Zombie’s cluster at The Diamond, 8pm-9pm.
Black Rabbit, 9pm-10pm
t.b.d., 10pm-11pm
The Mark Bar, 11pm-12pm


And for the lady Zombies – aspire to be a ZILF! Join Paul Booth at Duff’s in Brooklyn for Halloween. Paul will be presenting the 1st Annual MISS ZILF Beauty Pageant. A ZILF is sort of like a MILF but much colder and much hotter at the same time! So attention all Hot Zombie Chicks! Come on down to wear the crown. Cool prizes include everything from lots of free drinks to tattoo time! Finalists must be able to attend Paul’s Anniversary Party the next night for the final judging.


The Habitat:
Habitat Halloween Party – $100 bucks to the first place costume and $50 to the runner up. Judging will be a midnight but the party starts at sundown with drink specials, a cornfield massacre, torture chambers and an edible corpse.


The Richardson:
DRINK, DEPRAVITY & all things GHOULISH – While we will not be participating in any sort of costume “contest,” per se, we invite everyone to gussy themselves up to the Gothic 9’s & come steppin’ out with us! As a special treat, in addition to our regular rotation of 1950’s R&B and Rock-n-Roll, there will be a one-night-only addition of HALLOWEEN HITS, such as MONSTER MASH & WEREWOLF WATUSI!


P.S. Shout out to my sister GG: Happy Birthday Bitch! I love you! 😉

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