On my way to my sisters to watch Sunday football I passed by 160 Franklin Street which I’ve been keeping a close eye on since I spotted activity over the Summer.

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And today I spied them taking out the front gates and plywood to reveal this:

I apologize for the seriously crappy photos from my BlackBerry but hey, you get the idea! I spoke with a really cool Korean gentleman who told me the restaurant was basically all done inside (which it appears to be!) and will be open next month! The menu? “American with some vegetarian options.”

They’re registered under River Barrel Inc. so that might be the name of the place – I should’ve asked, but I’m not really up on my journalistic skills. Can’t wait to check it out either way!

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  1. The nice Korean man is the owner. The restaurant will be called “The River Barrel”. My husband, also a greenpointer, is the new chef working hard at the New American menu that will hopefully be debuting in the next 2 weeks! Full Bar and late night menu to boot!

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