Save The G has a really interesting post including a letter Assemblyman Joe Lentol wrote to Eliot G. Sander, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer at the MTA.

I didn’t even get through the entire letter before I read this part and I knew right then and there that a) I need to post about this and b) I never vote for Assemblymen but Joe Lentol has my vote for life.

I can’t even remember the last time the G went past Court Square to Forest Hills. If the train ran its full route it would save many commuters time and aggravation, in addition to re-linking local neighborhoods with the many thriving and affordable shopping districts in Queens. Countless numbers of my constituents used to use the G line just to get to those stores and now they cannot.

I have said this time and time again. And it is something that really affects the locals who remember when the G did go to Forest Hills all the time. It pisses me off to no end that the G ends at Court Square. The ridiculous of taking three trains to Steinway Street instead of one makes me want to smash someones face in.

Right about when I was a teenager, they started shortening the G line. First it was shortened to Queens Plaza – which actually would be ok if they did that again. It would be easier to transfer to express trains going to Forest Hills or local trains. The G would go directly to Steinway again and getting to Queens Center Mall wouldn’t be a total and complete aggravation. Why not do that if the G needs to shortened?

I have said it before and I will say it again, I’m tired of the G line being treated as the lowly stepchild of the MTA. The G line doesn’t connect to Manhattan, services people in Brooklyn and Queens, and offers about the worst service in the city. It is a sad state of affairs that this line continues to be neglected just because its riders are not going to Midtown or Wall Street.

Yo go Joe!

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