* img from bitchcakesny

So it’s (practically) official. The Real World Brooklyn bunch will be housed in Red Hook at Pier 41. – MTV Real World Road Rules News Blog

Lipstick Jungle is all over GPT. Filming practically every day. And they even did a scene in Alter! – Filming In Brooklyn & Elaine Perlov’s Blog

And finally Bravo has confirmed Top Chef will house their cheftestants in Williamsburg. Meanwhile Short and Sweet NYC does an interview on our own former Top Cheftestant Camille of Paloma. – Reality TV World & Short and Sweet NYC

The Italian Feast ended Sunday and though I didn’t get a chance to go this year, JPG Magazine has a nice little piece on it and you can definitely check out a plethora of pics on Flickr including some great ones from bitchcakesny.

Unfortunately this years Feast was attached to a tragedy with the much publicized murder of Richard Duran and the fact that the crime scene wasn’t cleaned up immediately after the investigation. A witness who also happens to be a blogger has an ongoing report with updates. It is a HUGE tragedy and a real shame that such a young kids life was taken for being just a bystander. This is the sort of shit that just breaks your heart. – Brooklyn Paper, Greenpoint Gazette & Rock Star Diary

While I was out of town this past weekend, there was yet another shooting but this one was apparently by the Police and was a pitbull, not a human. I still have no idea what *really* went down…

I didn’t know Brooklyn Brewery was looking for a new space and while I understand they want to stay in Brooklyn, I wish they’d be able to stay right here in nearby Williamsburg (or even better, come to Greenpoint!) – Gothamist

The first Williamsburg Walks was this past weekend and it looks like it was a success despite the scorching heat. – Brooklyn 11211

Down By The Hipster gets the uber-scoop complete with photos on the restaurant that’s coming to the NaBedLo Triangle (Yes, I cannot get enough of the name that Lady Lorimer made up and I will from now on refer to it as that just because I can.) which will be called Five Leaves and the secret partner that was Heath Ledger. – Down By The Hipster

Another new bar is on the horizon! Coming mid-August is The Richardson. Located on the corner of Richardson & Graham, their blog has some fabulous shots of the interior. It looks positively awesome and a little bit of a more upscale joint than what’s in that part of the hood right now.

Two new Italian eateries are opening or have already opened in that area of the nabe. Italian Greenpoint we used to call it. Barosa just opened at the corner of Graham & Ainslie and Motorino is on it’s way just up the block at Graham & Devoe. – Eater

A reader sent me this amusing little map today and I have to say – it’s brill! I grew up on the cusp of McGolrick & The Polish Business District but now I am living in North Vinyl Siding. – Very Small Array

Stoop Sales are all over the place now! Last week I mentioned the blog Brooklyn Stoop and today I received an email from Kim who runs the website StoopSales.com which is all about what else? Brooklyn Stoop Sales. They’re a little over a year old and offer the ability to ‘map’ out your stoop sale-ing route. It’s not just Craigslist anymore!

And for nothing more than sheer enjoyment you have to check out the new blog Holla if you Swolla! A collection of cat calls. What I like best about the blog is that they’re not uptight man-hating bitches, they know most of the time the cat calls are just funny. Check out our own Pointers giving the ladies a little verbal lovin’.

And to continue with the Italian tone of this post, though it has nothing to do with Greenpoint it begs to be acknowledged that Estelle Getty passed away this week. My favorite little elderly woman from Sicily – Rest In Peace Sophia.

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  1. I can’t get over how much info you pack into these things. Thanks for the photo recognition and all the rest of the local info!!

    -South Vinyl Siding District 😉

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